Monday, March 19, 2012

Progress. Day 11

It's been five days since my last post.  The long pause is because there have been no problems!  The tubes came out on Wednesday and here we are at Monday.  It seems like time is flying.  Only 1 week from today and I should be back to work, at the office at least. 2 weeks until I am back at my actual job though because it's tad too physical. 
My extended weekend was filled with progress.  I began to hobble around with only one crutch and just picking up my crutches.  It's still a bit difficult to get off the couch without the assist of the crutches.  Now I am walking around the house without crutches at all!  But I do take them for the assist when going outside.  Going to the neighbor's house proves to be an uphill and uneven endeavor, literally.  But it has been so nice to be able to sit outside the past few days and get a knee and upper thigh tan.  Seeings that I am still wrapped up from toes to knees, there is not a lot of exposed skin. 
My boyfriend, Kingsley, came down this weekend to see me and I was so happy to see him when he arrived three hours earlier than expected!!!. We laid low most weekend, watching T.V. and relaxing. But on Saturday Mom, Kingsley and I went to Super Wal Mart, and Mom insisted that I get the gimp cart.  Let me tell you that you get lots of looks, and people don't move out of the way very well for you.  But I really enjoyed Mom's scared face because she kept thinking that I was going to run her over.  But there is not enough speed in that thing to do much damage.  On the way back I wanted to stop at Culver's to get a lemon ice (my favorite), and when we drove through the drive thru I was so sad to learn they didn't have it on the menu yet.  And on Sunday before he went back to our house Kingsley and I went for a drive and did a bit of shopping at Woodman's Grocery Store.  I must say that I did a great job of walking all around the whole store with only my crutches.  That's the longest walk that I have taken so far and I wasn't even tired.  I think that's quite good; I'm proud of myself. 
As of today I haven't done much.  I've been trying to get rid of this edema that I have had going on since Thursday.  My ankles, feet, and toes look like little sausages.  My right foot looks a little less swollen after I raised it to the back of the couch while watching T.V. last night, but the left one still needs more work.  I just wonder how long it is going to take for all of this swelling to go away.  I wonder if I am going to fit into any of my shoes?! 
I have another post-op appointment tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes.  Unlike the last surgery I am not having problems and things go wrong, so the appointment shouldn't take too long.  I do need to get extra ace wraps from then because instead of using the clips they come with we throw them away because they usually reach through all of the layers and bite you.  Which is the last thing you need after surgery.  So instead we use tape to secure the bandages, but they tend to get gummy with residue after only a few days.  Plus you want to keep the bandages as fresh and clean as possible for sterile reasons. 
Every night lately I have been unwrapping the ace wraps and let my legs breathe and relax before changing the bandages out and re-wrapping them again.  And that's what I'm about to do.  Talk to you later.

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