Thursday, March 8, 2012

One Day To Go...

It's almost here!  Today was filled to the brim with appointments and other assorted errands.  In less than 12 hours I should be in surgery.  Today I trudged through many hours of  doctor appointments and running around.  An early 8AM eye appointment was followed with pre-op.
 I met with Diana, my nurse practitioner for my pre-op, but I also met with my surgeon Dr. Turnipseed to measure the compartments that have most recently been released (2010 and 2011).  The pressures in my posterior lateral and posterior medial compartments were all relatively normal, all under 18.  I was very happy with these readings because they do not need to be released a second time.  They bandaged me up, and continued with the pre-op.  All vitals taken, instructions given, surgical soap given, and questions answered.  We decided to initiate a preventative dose of blood thinners to be started after surgery because of the blood clot I accumulated in my Fall popliteal entrapment release surgery.  The last stop for this appointment was lab.  Urine sample plus 8, yes eight, vials of blood taken and I was done.  I had so much blood drawn to be able to check different protein levels to see if there is a protein deficiency that might have caused the DVT (deep vien thrombosis).
A quick lunch was followed by a routine physical.  Lots of miscellaneous questions between myself and Amanda, my Womens Department nurse practitioner, as well as a student who preformed most of the exam.  Over an hour later and I was free.  Running more last minute errands, followed by a play date with my niece and nephew, then to my parent's house for the night. 
We are making a list and checking it twice to ensure we have everything we need for the morning.  I'm not really nervous; I've been through this three times already.  I'm just ready to get it over with and start to get back to a normal state that I have not been able to see in a very long time.  Surgery is scheduled for 9:45AM, and we need to leave the house by 7:00AM.  It's going to be an early morning and a long few days.  Here goes nothing.  A big thanks goes out to my Mother for taking care of me for 2 weeks while I'm home.  But, not only is she taking care of me, but also my Father who had a knee replacement almost 3 weeks ago.  Love you Mommy! 

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